Tree Installation in Fairfield County, CT

Add beauty and value to your landscape with our professional tree planting services, ensuring healthy growth and long-term enjoyment.
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Tree Planting Services From The Growing Concern

Trees enhance aesthetics, improve property value, provide privacy, and aid in erosion prevention. There’s about a million reasons to install new trees on your property, and we’ll help you select the right varieties to bring you years of enjoyment.

How The Growing Concern Stands Out From the Rest:

What sets us apart from other landscapers and gardeners is our commitment to your satisfaction and our dedication to each project. We offer:

  • Free estimates to help you plan your project
  • Services within one to three weeks of the initial service call, depending on scheduling availability and weather
  • The assurance of working with a company that has been trusted since 1994

Contact The Growing Concern today to discuss options.

Benefits of Tree Planting :

  • Environmental Improvement: Trees enhance air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen, contributing to a healthier environment.

  • Climate Regulation: They help regulate temperatures by providing shade and reducing the heat island effect in urban areas.

  • Energy Savings: Strategic tree placement can lower cooling costs in summer and reduce heating needs in winter by acting as natural windbreaks.

  • Increased Property Value: Well-maintained trees add aesthetic appeal and can increase the value of residential and commercial properties.

  • Erosion Control: Tree roots help stabilize soil, reducing erosion and preventing sediment runoff into waterways.

  • Wildlife Habitat: Trees provide shelter and food for various species, supporting local biodiversity and wildlife.

  • Enhanced Privacy: Trees act as natural screens, creating privacy and reducing noise from surrounding areas.

  • Aesthetic Appeal: They add beauty and structure to landscapes, contributing to a visually pleasing and inviting environment.

Your Landscape Design Journey Starts Here

Ready to transform your outdoor space? Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote. Let’s bring your landscape vision to life!